A complete and updated resource of top colleges & educational institutes in Mathura
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Colleges in Mathura
Mathura city has a number of colleges, which provide a great platform for higher education in the field of engineering, arts and social science, law, commerce, medical science, journalism etc. Here is a complete and updated information on various colleges in Mathura city.

BSA College of Engineering & Technology
Dhanvantri Educational Institute
Excel School of Business
GLA Institute of Technology and Management
Hindustan College of Science & Technology
Hindustan Institute of Management and Computer Studies
Ishwarchand Vidyasagar Institute of Technology
KD Dental College and Hospital
Rajiv Academy for Pharmacy
Sachdeva Institute of Technology
Sanjay College of Pharmacy
Sanjay Institute of Engineering and Management
Sanskriti School of Business
Shri Giriraj Maharaj College of Law and Professional Studies
Shri Jee Baba College of Law
Unnati Management College
Vrindavan Law College